Laying Out Your Living Room

Knowing how to layout the room was voted the number one challenge in designing your space in the recent VJS design survey.

I’ll be honest, I was a little surprised by this. I thought ‘knowing where to start’ or ‘what my style is’ were going to be the winning answers, but it seems you all know kind of what you want, but it’s just how to get there whilst maximising the potential of your space that seems to be the tricky part.

As our mission is to help people create a home they love, of course we had to try and help! So we sat down and thought about our key principles and the steps we go through when creating a layout to put together a guide for you to use at home. The Ultimate Guide To Laying Out Your Living Room. We have included 8 layout ideas to get you started and 4 layout mistakes to avoid. Although our guide is focussed on the living room, the principles are adaptable and can be used in any room of the home.

Whether you are decorating a new home or freshening up your existing, designing a space can be both exciting and overwhelming, so hopefully our guide will make the process a little easier for you.

We hope it helps - let us know!

Living Room Floor Plan Ideas
Living Room Floor Plan Ideas
Living Room Floor Plan Ideas.jpg